15+ years of experience in marketing communications and advertising with brands on the territory of health, beauty and FMCG
about me
Hi! I'm Julia
I started to climb career ladder of three main stages of professional
development: media, brands and media agencies.

Hi! I'm Julia

I started to climb career ladder of three main stages of professional development: media, brands and media agencies.
My professional way story
The first large route had passed through two of the largest Sales Houses in Russia, leading players in the advertising market - Video International and Gazprom-Media. During this time I had gone through the main stages of work from cost calculation of sponsorship on TV channels, placement on the Internet, licensing, merchandising and to participating in the development of concepts with the native interweaving of the brand into the content and monitoring their implementation.

Every project is unique. Brand, media channel and broadcast have their goals, objectives and limitations on the execution of communication. Professional honesty helped me to carry out such complex projects. It's important to know about the nuances of placements, risks and opportunities, share them with stakeholders even before the sale and find profitable solutions for everyone. Professional honesty and openness in communication help to build trust with partners, clients and work colleagues.
Media agencies
The next big route passed through advertising groups, Russian and international. The expertise has expanded by dugging into in working with large farm. companies and management function. Sponsorship and special projects have been integrated into the agency's product package. I was responsible for strategy development and interaction with key clients.

Professional flexibility and adaptability helped me to accept challenges, change the approach of solving problems both when starting a department from scratch and when developing brand promotion strategies (360). Integrated and sponsored projects, the creation of own and branded content in the media from the development of a creative idea and media planning to the evaluation of the effectiveness of the project and much more.
Pharma is one of the most difficult categories in communications due to a number of legal and ethical limitations. Empathy helps a lot to understand a different point of view, ideas and feelings when you work with pharma.

The ability to think outside the box and the experience gained allowed me to participate in the business development strategy. As a result, we have breathed life into another business area, the creative department. Confidence developed as complex tasks were completed.

The transition to a new level and the launch of new projects, in addition to professional expertise, requires from the manager a fresh look at development. At the same time, my directors offered me to take an Executive MBA program in order to gain new knowledge on business management and systematize the existing ones. Responsibility and self-motivation helped me to walk this path. Despite all the complexity, I really liked the process itself and the new meanings.
I am a supporter of the concept of continuous improvement
Studying opens up new horizons and opportunities for growth and comfortable life
  • Higher education at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation has formed a system and provided a knowledge base Specialty "Finance and credit"
    Specialization "Financial Management"
  • Studying at Moscow International Higher Business School MIRBIS (Institute) and an internship in the USA gave an understanding of global business, combined practical experience with a strategic vision
    Executive MBA program
    Specialization "Strategic and Corporate management"

    AMBA Certificate and European Diploma Supplement
    (European Diploma Supplement approved by UNESCO)

    Lucas Graduate School of Business (San Jose State University) internship in the USA (California)
    Global Business Innovation Program
  • Netology helped to systematize the knowledge for the company's entry into Digital
    Netology. University of Internet Professions
    Online Marketing Director Program
Basic skills
  • Organizational development
  • Operational management
  • Implementation of best practices
  • Budgeting
  • Process optimization
  • Management of integrated projects
  • Development of new products
  • Customer service quality management
  • Development of product promotion strategies
  • Marketing communications
  • Formation and motivation of team
My articles
Фильмы из этой подборки вдохновят вас на новые идеи для продвижения бренда и развития бизнеса компании.
Как обучение на программе EMBA помогло не только получить новые знания по управлению бизнесом, но и пережить личную трансформацию?
В связи со стремительным ростом социальной ответственности у клиентов в авангарде внимания оказались устойчивые методы ведения бизнеса, а у брендов появились новые точки роста. О концепции «Sustainability» в контексте маркетинга расскажет Юлия Анцупова, заместитель директора по развитию бизнеса NMi Group.
Определяя лучших авторов 2021 года, редакция Executive.ru ориентировалась на три критерия: Общее количество просмотров у статей, активность автора, актуальность затронутых автором тем
Маркетинговые команды начинают экспериментировать быстрее, постоянно тестируя гипотезы и оценивая результат, внедряют новые продукты. Как методология влияет на бизнес-процессы — рассказывает Юлия Анцупова
Полный и подробный гид: как за 8 шагов создать эффективную стратегию контентных проектов в инфлюенс-маркетинге.
Чем полезен брендированный контент для решения маркетинговых задач? Чек-лист из 10 пунктов – как подготовиться к такому проекту.
В этой статье я собрала наиболее важные и полезные данные, на которые можно ориентироваться, принимая важные решения по контент-стратегии на рынке b2c.
Недавно Content Marketing Institute поделился очередным ежегодным исследованием о состоянии контент-маркетинга в B2B. Юлия Анцупова адаптировала выводы коллег о том, как контент-маркетологи в разных странах реагируют на хаос вокруг и какой вектор развития для себя определяют на будущее.
Какие Agile-методологии позволяют постепенно и постоянно улучшать бизнес-процессы и визуализировать командную работу с помощью сигнальных досок.
Выпускница программы Executive MBA бизнес-школы МИРБИС Юлия Анцупова делится впечатлениями о международном модуле Global Executive MBA в Lucas Graduate School of Business университета Сан-Хосе, Калифорния.


About brand communications, life and inspiration